How do you prefer to do lead outreach?
Cold calling? Email? Linkedin?
On the recent Freightwaves ‘Put That Coffee Down’ Kevin Hill and I broke down a study from Logistics Marketing Advisors that surveyed 100 industry professionals on how they want to be contacted by the sales teams of 3PLs, carriers, and more.
Using this info would help sales and marketing teams better align their goals in how they plan to tackle lead generation and nurturing–which is super helpful around this time of the year.
Another option that would be super helpful to the marketing pros out there is auditing your website–which sounds super boring but it’s ESSENTIAL to accurately plan what upgrades or changes you plan to make in 2021. This is why I’m giving this course away FOR FREE on FreightSchoolPlaybook.com.
This episode + this free course will help to kick off the first work week of 2021 and also aid in avoiding those costly mistakes when budgeting and planning.
Listen to the rest of this episode of 'Put That Coffee Down' here.
And in case you missed the link above, you can snag that free course, How To Audit Your Website, via this link. Don't forget to go through the checkout process to get it. You won't have to enter any billing info–just go through the checkout process like any other internet purchase so you can get the login information needed to snag the course.
Where to Find Digital Dispatch & Blythe:
Digital marketing courses for the logistics industry: Freight School Playbook
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