Kicking 2021 off right–I’m offering one of the most important courses you can take during this time of the year: How To Audit Your Website.
Before you invest thousands of dollars into your next website project, we’re gonna go through the auditing process we take with all of our enterprise-level Digital Dispatch clients. We’ll teach you where you need to invest and the mistakes to avoid in hopes to save you a bunch of time and money on your next project.
What we’re gonna be talking about in this Website Auditing course is:
- The must-have features every website needs
- 3 Different Aspects: front end, the backend, and the marketing.
How to Get The Course:
- Add the course to your cart on Freight School Playbook’s website
- You’ll go through a checkout process, but you don’t have to enter your credit card number. The checkout process is only so the learning management system can register your account, email you a login, and from there you’ll be able to access the course, save your progress unique to your own account, and earn that certificate of completion.
- If more than one person from your company wants to take the course, simply have each user go through the process individually.